Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US Flies F-22s to Romania as Show of Strength to Russia
The U.S. Air Force on Monday flew in two F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Romania as a show of strength to deter Russian intervention in Ukraine.
Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins of conception
Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.
Russia and Syria sign deals worth $850 million to restore Syrian infrastructure
Syria and Russia have signed agreements worth 850 million euros to restore infrastructure in the Arab nation, Russia's RIA news agency quoted Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halaki as saying on Monday.
Iran unveils new main battle tank made from US and Chinese designs from the 1960s
Earlier this month, Iran unveiled a new main battle tank, the Tiam, that appears to be a mashup of Chinese and US tanks from the 1960s, The Diplomat reports.
Apple Forecasts Second Sales Drop as iPhone Woes Deepen
Apple Inc.'s streak of 51 consecutive quarters of uninterrupted sales growth is over -- and its expansion may not resume until late this year.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Former White House Adviser: Thanks to Israel, the US 'Dodged a Bullet in Syria'
The United States 'dodged a bullet in Syria... all courtesy of the Israelis,' former US Vice President Dick Cheney's national security adviser asserted on Monday.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas faces heat for UN resolution wavering
A set of Palestinian initiatives aimed at advancing policy through anti-Israel measures at international organizations, or using international forums, appear to be in disarray following a series of setbacks.
Saudi general: 'If Netanyahu accepts the Arab Peace Initiative, we'll open an embassy in Israel'
Comments by a well-connected former major-general in the Saudi military who said Tuesday that Riyadh would establish an embassy in Israel if it accepted the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative failed to elicit an official response from Jerusalem.
Fires break out across Israel as country is hit by heat wave
Fires were reported all across the country, including in the Western Galilee between the town of Shlomi and Kibbutz Matzuva and also in the city of Nahariya, where two trees burned down near residential buildings; in the Upper Galilee near Kibbutz Gadot; in Kibbutz Yizre'el near Afula; on Highway 1 connecting Jerusaelm and Tel Aviv, close to Kibbutz Gamzu, and also in the city of Jerusalem; next to the railway between Be'er Ya'akov and Lod, and additionally between Ramla and Kibbutz Na'an.

Inside the United States
Obama administration fails to screen Syrian refugees’ social media accounts
The Obama administration isn’t vetting the social media profiles of all Syrian refugees despite promises made last year after the San Bernardino terrorist attack, which exposed holes in the U.S. immigration screening process.
California Firearm Owners Brace For 'Gun-Megeddon'
The package of 10 gun control bills, which opponents are calling 'Gun-Megeddon,' has firearms owners fearful of losing their Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Kerry, Heinz Family Have Millions Invested In Offshore Tax Havens
Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz have invested millions of U.S. dollars through family trusts in at least 11 offshore tax havens, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Obama Admin Accused of Misleading Congress on Cash Release to Iran
The Obama administration faces accusations it has been misleading Congress about the amount and destination of sanctions relief being provided to Iran as part of last summer's nuclear agreement, according to lawmakers and congressional sources who expressed anger at the administration over a range of contradictory facts being offered about the payouts.
Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
The cost of U.S. regulations is now larger than Germany's economy, amounting to a $4 trillion loss to the American economy, according to a new study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Children of Refugees Receive More Food Stamps, Cash Assistance Than Native-Born Children
Children born to refugees receive more government benefits like food stamps, cash assistance, and Supplemental Security Income than native-born children, according to a report from the Migration Policy Institute.

U.S. Politics
Trump declares himself ‘presumptive nominee’ after Northeast sweep
Donald Trump steamrolled the GOP field and swept all five Northeast primaries Tuesday night, putting even more distance between himself and his competitors for the party’s presidential nomination as he tries to win enough delegates to avoid a divisive convention fight.
Clinton wins in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut; Sanders takes Rhode Island
Hillary Clinton dominated the Northeast on Tuesday and racked up big primary wins in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Maryland, leaving Democratic rival Sen. Bernard Sanders with just a consolation prize in Rhode Island and tightening her own grip on the Democratic nod.

Christian News
Christian Baker Can Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Cakes to Stay in Business, Colorado Supreme Court Says
Colorado's highest court declined to hear an appeal from a Christian baker who was found guilty of discrimination for refusing to service a same-sex wedding ceremony.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes employee banned from Florida public schools for promoting religious beliefs
An employee from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) was banned from Hillsborough County public schools after a 40-page complaint was issued against him by Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), a national atheist organization.
Billy Graham's Daughter: God Is Turning Away From America And Leaving Us To Our Sins
Commenting on the moral state of America and God's judgment on sinful nations, evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of pastor Billy Graham, said America is imploding 'morally and spiritually,' that God is removing His 'blessing and protection' from us, leaving us to our sins, and that this encroaching judgment is evident in the chaos of the political scene, the economy, and even the weather.
Europe will 'soon have more Muslims than Christians': Belgium warns against 'making an enemy of Islam' at Brussels attac
Muslims will soon outnumber Christians in Europe, a Belgian minister has claimed.
Noah's Ark replica could travel to Brazil this year
A massive replica of Noah's ark could travel from the Netherlands to Brazil this year.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US Says Climate Deal Signatories on Quick Pace
White House officials say at least 34 countries have either signed or committed to join the recent climate change deal, putting the agreement on a 'much faster trajectory.'
Russia says considering buying 40 tonnes of heavy water from Iran
Russia is considering buying 40 tonnes of heavy water from Iran, Interfax news agency cited the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying on Monday.
EU leaders agree to uphold Russia sanctions, US says
Western European and US leaders have agreed to keep economic sanctions on Russia unless it stops the war in Ukraine, the US says, as French MPs prepare to debate lifting the measures.
TTIP trade deal: Germans rally in Hannover against US-EU talks
Thousands of people have marched in the German city of Hannover against a proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
US ready to offer Israel largest aid package in history
A White House official indicated on Monday that the Obama administration was ready to offer Israel the largest military aid package offered to any country over the course of US history.
Russia wants share in Israeli gas
The Russian press reported at the end of last week that Russia was seeking to enter the Israeli natural gas industry, following a meeting in Russia last Thursday between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Right-wing politicians call to annex Judea and Samaria
Right-wing politicians visiting Hebron on Monday called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to annex Judea and Samaria and throw his full-fledged support behind the city's small Jewish community.
Israel evicts eight Jews from Temple Mount for attempted prayer
Israeli authorities on Tuesday evicted eight Jewish visitors from the Temple Mount complex in response to what security forces said was inappropriate behavior at the holy site.
Palestinian Authority backs convicted killer for Nobel Peace Prize
Palestinian leaders have offered up an unlikely candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize: A man serving five life sentences for murder.

Inside the United States
Large majority of US Senate pushes Obama to boost Israel aid
More than four-fifths of the US Senate have signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to quickly reach an agreement on a new defense aid package for Israel worth more than the current $3 billion per year.
Federal Judge Upholds North Carolina Photo ID Mandate
Lawsuits challenging changes to North Carolina's election law failed to show it hampered the ability of minority voters to exercise political power, a federal judge ruled Monday in dismissing the cases.
Defense bill amendment targets Obama micromanagement, gives Pentagon leverage
A key congressional Republican hopes to use a major defense bill to give the Pentagon more leverage in policy fights with President Obama's White House aides, following complaints from past defense chiefs that the West Wing has tried to micromanage national security and military policy and ice the Defense Department and other agencies out of major decisions.

U.S. Politics
Trump Expected to Sweep Five Tuesday Primaries
Donald Trump is expected to win all five states holding their presidential primaries Tuesday, adding a needed batch of delegates in his quest to clinch the Republican Party's nomination.
Hillary Clinton says women would make up half of Cabinet
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday night that she would make sure half her Cabinet members were women.
Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far
Data compiled since the New York GOP primary shows that billionaire Donald Trump's popular vote total in 2016 in states that have voted so far significantly exceeds the vote totals that Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, had in those states in total.

Christian News
Pakistan: Christians protest proposed sewage station
Christians in Lahore, Pakistan are objecting to the proposed construction of a sewage pumping station on land owned by a cathedral's congregation.
Muslim Brothers Turn to Christ After Watching Slain Mother Beaten for Converting to Christianity
The sons of a slain Ethiopian woman who was beaten mercilessly by her husband after she converted from Islam to Christianity last year have given their lives to Christ after witnessing their mother's strong faith in Jesus.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Obama, Merkel push for trade deal as foreign crises weigh
U.S. President Barack Obama said on Sunday he would do whatever he could to advance a controversial trade deal with the European Union in his last eight months in office, but warned that time was running short.
Obama to send more U.S. troops to Syria
President Obama is expected to announce Monday that he is sending another 250 military personnel to Syria to assist local forces combat the Islamic State, according to multiple reports.
German court asked to ban political party agitated by refugees
Amid a refugee crisis and a surge of violence targeting foreigners, Germany's highest court is weighing a move it has taken only twice since the fall of the Nazis: banning a political party.
Obama rejects North Korea's offer to suspend missile tests
President Obama said Sunday he doesn't take seriously North Korea's offer to suspend its missile program if the U.S. ends annual military exercises with South Korea.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel's New Half-Billion Dollar Submarine
Israel's fifth submarine cost half a billion dollars and it is 68 meters long (10 meters longer than the existing Dolphin submarines), but the secret to its military might is the fact it can stay deep underwater for longer periods of time, 10 times, and at times even longer, than other submarines. The stealth capabilities of the new submarine, and of its 'sister' INS Tanin, allows them to be completely silent while underwater, thanks to their electric engines.
Worshipers and police swarm Western Wall for priestly blessing
Tens of thousands of people thronged to the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City under heavy police guard for a twice-annual mass blessing ceremony Monday morning.
Jordan: Stop Jews from visiting Temple Mount or face consequences
The Jordanian government warned on Monday that there would be 'serious consequences' if Israel continues to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount following a busy Sunday where over 100 Jews visited the holy site in honor of the first of the intermediary days of Passover on Sunday, according to reports by Israel radio.

Inside the United States
Paul Ryan teases 'very comprehensive' tax plan
Americans can expect congressional Republicans to offer a "very comprehensive" plan to simplify the tax code in the near future, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Sunday.
White House poised to release secret pages from 9/11 inquiry
The Obama administration will likely soon release at least part of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional inquiry into 9/11 that may shed light on possible Saudi connections to the attackers.
No One Works in 1 in 5 U.S. Families
There were one in five families in the United States in 2015, or 19.7 percent, in which no one in the family worked, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

U.S. Politics
GOP chair calls for unity at RNC meeting
The head of the Republican National Committee called on the party to consolidate behind the eventual GOP presidential nominee, saying it is necessary to capture control of the White House in November.
Republicans Cruz, Kasich reach 'stop-Trump' deal
Republican White House rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced a deal on Sunday to stay out of each other's way in some upcoming state primaries in hopes of blocking front-runner Donald Trump from winning the party's presidential nomination.
McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton
Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons, a sweeping action the governor said was aimed largely at rectifying Virginia's 'long and sad history' of suppressing African-American voting power.

Christian News
Uganda: Muslims Destroy Church
Muslims in Uganda last week killed pigs owned by Christians and then destroyed their church.
Oklahomans to Vote on Whether to Return Ten Commandments Monument to State Capitol
Controversy over a Ten Commandments monument removed from the grounds of the state Capitol in October continues with an effort to reinstate the monument.