Prophecy News Watch provided by Worthy Ministries

Prophecy News Watch is a service hosted by Worthy Ministries to provide Christians daily news from a Biblical, and yet Prophetic worldview. Our news is gathered by our Christian News Service, Worthy News. For more about our vision for how we assemble our daily headlines, please read, "What is Worthy News?"

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
U.S. Third Fleet expands East Asia role as tensions rise with China
The U.S. Navy's Third Fleet will send more ships to East Asia to operate outside its normal theater alongside the Japan-based Seventh Fleet, a U.S. official said on Tuesday, a move that comes at a time of heightened tensions with China.
French attacker pledged loyalty to IS, had public figure 'hit list'
A man who stabbed a police commander and police administrator to death at their home in a Paris suburb pledged loyalty to the leader of the Islamic State group and had a list of other targets, including rappers, journalists, police officers and public officials, the Paris prosecutor said Tuesday.
U.N. Human Rights Chief Says U.S. Needs 'Robust Gun Regulation'
The United Nations' human rights chief called on the United States Tuesday to enforce more effective gun control measures in the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, dismissing as 'irresponsible pro-gun propaganda' the notion that firearms make societies safer.
Damascus says German special forces in Syria, Germany denies
The Syrian government said on Wednesday that German special forces were present, alongside French and American military personnel, in northern Syria, an accusation denied by Germany.
China shadows U.S. warships amid rising tensions in Asia
When U.S. commanders kicked off a major international naval exercise this week, they found an uninvited guest: A Chinese Navy warship.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
'Next war with Hamas will be its last,' senior defense source says
The next war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza will be the last for the Islamist regime, a senior source in the Defense Ministry said on Wednesday, though he stressed that Israel is not seeking conflict and will not be the side to initiate hostilities.
Hamas tunnel expert defects to Israel: reports
A senior Hamas tunnel expert has absconded from Gaza to Israel and turned himself in to authorities, Haaretz reports, citing Palestinian news outlets.

Inside the United States
CIA Chief: ISIS Sending Operatives to US
CIA Director John Brennan will tell Congress on Thursday that Islamic State militants are training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks on the West and will rely more on guerrilla-style tactics to compensate for their territorial losses.
Fed keeps interest rates unchanged, signals fewer future hikes
The U.S. Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday and signaled it still planned to raise rates twice in 2016, though it said slower economic growth would crimp the pace of monetary policy tightening in future years.
Report: Radical Islamists Have Killed 94 on American Soil Since 9/11
A new report shows that more than 90 people have been killed on American soil in attacks by radical Islamists since the terror attacks on September 11, 2001.
Security firm that employed Mateen was contractor for the Department of Homeland Security
G4S, the employer of the Muslim terrorist who killed 49 people at the Orlando Pulse nightclub, is a major contractor for the Department of Homeland Security and State Department.
'Define the enemy': Republicans counter Obama's 'radical Islam' slam
Republicans roundly rejected President Obama's rationale for refusing to use the term 'radical Islam' in describing terror attacks, responding that: 'You have to define the enemy to defeat it.'
NY Daily News wants to ban already-banned gun
The New York Daily News' latest edition argues no American citizen should be allowed to purchase a style of rifle that is already banned from commercial sale.
Foreign selling of U.S. Treasuries in April was most since 1978: data
Foreign investors sold a record amount of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes for the month of April, according to U.S. Treasury Department data on Wednesday, as investors priced in a few more rate increases by the Federal Reserve this year.
Orlando Gunman Warned of Future ISIS Attacks Against U.S. in Facebook Post
Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 people at an Orlando gay club early Sunday, reportedly posted to Facebook before the attack warning of coming 'attacks from the Islamic State' in the United States.
'Islamic Refugee' With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County
Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region's gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. Authorities describe the woman as an 'Islamic refugee' pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico. County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.
Leftists suggest secret court to strip 2nd Amendment rights
A New York Times editorial advocates for a new law allowing a secret court to take away citizens' right to own a gun at the discretion of the federal government.

U.S. Politics
Trump's new Obama claims thrust him into uncharted territory
onald Trump's latest accusation against President Barack Obama -- that he's putting US enemies ahead of America's own people -- is thrusting him into uncharted territory for the presidential candidate of any major political party.
Trump: Obama 'More Angry' at Me Than Orlando Shooter
Donald Trump told supporters in North Carolina Tuesday that President Barack Obama was angrier at him than at the Florida man who gunned down 49 people and injured 53 others at a gay nightclub in Orlando over the weekend.
Donald Trump joins Democrats in post-Orlando gun control push
Brushing aside warnings that they'll tip off terrorists to secret investigations, Democrats pressed ahead Wednesday with plans for new gun controls after the Orlando shooting, and even enlisted an unlikely potential ally -- Donald Trump, who said he's open to a discussion about banning firearm sales to those on the government's no-fly list.

Christian News
Christians Didn't Commit the Orlando Massacre
We are now fully through the looking glass. A Muslim man walked into a gay nightclub and gunned down 49 men and women, most of them gay or lesbian. He paused in the middle of his massacre to call 911 and a local television station, making clear that he wanted the world to know he had pledged allegiance to ISIS. There are no dog whistles here. This is a textbook example of jihadism in action, plain and simple. Yet somehow, Omar Mateen's massacre has put American Christians on the defensive.
Pope Francis Meets With Evangelical, Pentecostal Leaders in John 17 Spirit
Pope Francis and several prominent Evangelical and Pentecostal leaders met in Rome last Friday to discuss areas of mutual agreement and where they respectfully disagreed. The aim of the gathering, which had no official agenda, was to build unity between Christian traditions that have historic enmity.
Syria: Elderly Christian Man Forced to Convert to Islam for Not Paying Tax
An elderly Christian man has been forced to convert to Islam in Raqqa, Syria, because he can no longer afford to pay the tax levied by ISIS on non-Muslims.
Christians Live in Fear, Hide Faith In Migrant Camps
Christians in migrant camps in Germany say they are forced to hide their faith from Muslim migrants who threaten and abuse them.
3 Christians vanish after assault by 'Muslim extremists'
Three Christians working with an organization that delivers Bibles and the Christian message to the Middle East have disappeared following their release from a hospital where they were treated for injuries from an attack from 'Muslim extremists,' according to a new report.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Iran Announces ‘Milestone’ Deal to Buy Boeing Planes
Officials from the U.S. airplane manufacturer Boeing, a top U.S. government contractor, are staying silent about the details of a Tuesday announcement by Iranian officials that the Islamic Republic and the aviation firm had reached a “milestone” business deal, according to statements provided to the Washington Free Beacon.
Iran's Khamenei Threatens to 'Set Fire' to Nuclear Deal
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, threatened on Tuesday to "set fire" to the nuclear deal sealed with world powers if U.S. presidential candidates reneged on the agreement.
France protests: Hundreds hurl objects as Paris labour reforms demonstration turns violent
Several hundred masked protesters have hurled objects at police in Paris as the latest demonstration against disputed labour reforms in France descended into violence.
Islamic State Claims Responsibility For 'Allahu Akhbar' Terror Killing Of Senior French Police Officer
The Islamic State's own news agency was quick to claim responsibility for a double murder last night after a young man stabbed a senior police officer and his wife to death in a Paris suburb.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
White House opposes extra funding for Israel missile defense
The White House said Tuesday that it was opposed to a move by the House of Representatives to increase funding for Israeli missile defense procurement by an additional $455 million above the administration’s budget request for the 2017 fiscal year.
Opposition MKs blame Netanyahu for White House rejection of increased missile defense funding
Opposition leader Isaac Herzog stated Wednesday that Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu's ego was to blame for the Obama administration's opposition to increasing defense aid for Israel's missile defense program.
Knesset panel upholds Temple Mount ban for MKs
The Knesset Ethics Committee on Tuesday upheld an eight-month ban preventing lawmakers from visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, but said it would back a police decision to scale back the restrictions next month.
$40 billion aid to Israel is 'largest ever' to any country, says Susan Rice
U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the proposed military aid package to Israel is larger than any the United States has ever offered to any country.

Inside the United States
Immigrant from Iran Shot Dead in Walmart Shootout
Amarillo police said Mohammad Moghaddam, 54, fired shots and held two hostages at gunpoint at Walmart, before Amarillo Police Department SWAT officers shot and killed him.
480,000 People Overstayed their VISAs, hardly ever caught, feds admin
Immigration agents catch an abysmally small percentage of the illegal immigrants who arrived on visas but overstayed their welcome, authorities admitted to Congress Tuesday, describing a loophole that those around the globe are increasingly using to gain a foothold in the U.S.
Judge Tosses 'Defective' Charge Against Activist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Organ Sales
A Texas judge threw out one of the charges against the pro-life activist who captured Planned Parenthood executives on tape talking candidly about selling baby body parts.
Omar Mateen a regular at Pulse: 'He was a homosexual, and he was trying to pick up men'
Family members and an ex-wife of Omar Mateen say he regularly espoused homophobic views, but regulars at the LGBT nightclub where the 29-year-old American-born Muslim gunman killed 49 while pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group described him as a routine visitor.
Senate Dems plan gun control blitz
In response to the Orlando terrorist attack, Senate Democratic leaders say they plan to try to force votes on an array of gun control measures in the weeks ahead and have threatened to block critical spending measures if the GOP-led Senate prevents them from bringing up their legislation.
House votes to block IRS collection of donor information
The House voted Tuesday to pass legislation banning the IRS from collecting data about donors to political nonprofits, a measure backed by Republicans in response to the agency's targeting of conservative groups.
Confidence in newspapers, TV news hits bottom
Confidence in newspapers has hit an all time low in the latest Gallup survey, and TV news is also at a new low, the latest proof that Americans are losing faith in the media.

U.S. Politics
Russian Govt Hackers Breach DNC Network, Steal Trump Opposition Research
Russian government hackers stole opposition research on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump after breaking into the Democratic National Committee’s computer network.

Christian News
Pakistan: "Untouchable" Christian beaten
In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Christians are considered to be "untouchable" and as such are often relegated to lowly labor employment.
India: Christian tortured for his faith
A Christian villager was tortured for his faith last month in Chhattisgarh state.
Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Four NATO battalions heading to Baltic States, Poland
NATO plans to send four multinational battalions to the Baltic states and Poland to increase defenses against Russia.
US military uses Apache helicopter gunships for first time against ISIS in Iraq
The U.S. military used Apache helicopter gunships for the first time in the war against ISIS Monday in northern Iraq when one of the U.S. Army helicopters fired a hellfire missile at an ISIS armored vehicle rigged with explosives, a senior defense official told Fox News.
'The Sun,' UK's biggest selling newspaper, endorses Brexit
In an editorial, Britain's top-selling newspaper has come out in support of the country leaving the EU. The endorsement comes just as a new poll shows the 'Leave' camp gaining support.
Turkey wavers on Islamic State fight amid rising tensions with U.S., allies
Even as U.S., Iraqi and Kurdish forces make significant gains against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, rising friction between Turkey and America's key regional allies threatens to scuttle the hopes of coalition forces to drive the terrorist group from the region.
US calls on UN members to protect LGBT people from attack
The United States on Monday called on all 193 members of the United Nations to not only condemn the terrorism that resulted in the mass killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Florida over the weekend, but also to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from such attacks.
The Islamic State's shocking war on gays
Omar Mateen, the man behind the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, seemed motivated by two things: a loathing of the LGBT community and an avowed admiration for the Islamic State militant group, which has inspired 'lone wolf' attacks elsewhere in the United States and the world.
Bangladesh arrests over 100 Islamists in crackdown after killings
Authorities in Bangladesh have arrested at least 103 militants as part of a broad crackdown on Islamists after a wave of deadly attacks on members of minority groups and liberal activists, police said on Monday.
U.N. rights boss deplores detention of migrants in Europe
The United Nations human rights boss on Monday decried a 'worrying rise' in detention of migrants in so-called 'hotspots' in Greece and Italy and urged authorities to find alternatives to confining children while their asylum requests are processed.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
UN warns Israel over its refusal to cooperate with human rights investigations
The United Nations implied Monday that Israel could be in trouble over its continued refusal to allow human rights investigators to alleged violations of international law against Palestinians access to the West Bank and Gaza.
Israel elected to chair UN committee for first time
The United Nations General Assembly has elected Israel to chair one of its six permanent committees for the first time in the world body's history. Palestinians and Arab countries have condemned the decision.
World in chaos, Israel gets singular focus at UN rights body
Wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have killed hundreds of thousands of people. Enforced disappearances, torture and extremist attacks infringe on human rights worldwide. Tyrannical, autocratic leaders and their allies from Belarus to Burundi repel dissent with an iron fist.

Inside the United States
Dems to push new gun law in wake of massacre
Senate Democrats will try to force a vote on legislation that would block people on a federal terror watch list from purchasing guns, in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting Sunday.
Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law
Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled nearly 30,000 Afghan migrants on green cards. According to Pew, nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) support sharia law as official law.
Confidence in newspapers, TV news hits bottom
Confidence in newspapers has hit an all time low in the latest Gallup survey, and TV news is also at a new low, the latest proof that Americans are losing faith in the media.
Obama: No evidence Orlando suspect led by Islamic State; Saudi gov't says Mateen made trips in '11, '12
President Barack Obama on Monday said there is 'no clear evidence' the accused Orlando nightclub gunman was directed by the Islamic State or was part of a larger plot, though federal investigators said they are investigating the possibility of others being involved.
Orlando gunman tied to radical imam released from prison last year, say law enforcement sources
The gunman who murdered at least 50 people in a Florida nightclub early Sunday morning was a follower of a controversial gang leader-turned-bank robber who was released from prison last year despite warnings from prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out violent acts, sources told
FBI confirms: 'Strong indications' Orlando shooter inspired by terrorists
FBI Director James Comey said the investigation into Sunday morning's massacre in Orlando, Fla., revealed 'strong indications of radicalization by this killer' who was likely at least partly influenced by outside influences.
WikiLeaks to Release Additional Hillary Clinton Emails
WikiLeaks is set to publish additional emails sent and received on Hillary Clinton's private server during her time serving as secretary of state.
Orlando's 'Pulse' Gay Bar Was a 'Gun-Free Zone' by State Law
Pulse, the Orlando gay nightclub targeted in a jihadist terror attack, was a 'gun-free zone' by state law.

U.S. Politics
Donald Trump bans Washington Post from his rallies
Donald Trump said on his Facebook page on Monday afternoon that he is banning The Washington Post from covering his presidential campaign events.
Gun control: Clinton urges stronger laws, Trump calls for Muslim 'vigilance'
Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton staked out their positions on gun control Monday, one day after a shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub killed 49 people.

Christian News
Chaplain booted over praying 'in Jesus' name' goes to Supreme Court
The U.S. Navy chaplain who was removed from the military for disobeying a 'lawful' order banning prayer 'in Jesus' name' has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene and overturn a decade of rulings in his case.
Anti-Terror Crackdown: Over 5,000 People Arrested in Bangladesh to Protect Christians
Authorities in Bangladesh arrested more than 5,000 people over the weekend in connection to Islamic terror, seeking to stand up to the growing wave of attacks against minorities, including Christians and atheists, in the South Asian country.