Prophecy News Watch - May 23, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
Islamic State Group Leader Urges Attacks in Europe and US
An Islamic State group spokesman has urged sympathizers in Europe and the U.S. to launch attacks on civilians there if they are unable to travel to the group's self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq.
Scientists Want to Bring Back Woolly Mammoths -- But Why?
In a frozen corner of Siberia, far north of where most humans care to live, there is a wildlife refuge where scientists are trying to rebuild an ancient ecosystem that could help slow global warming.
Austria on knife-edge as presidential race too close to call
Austrian far-right hopes of winning a presidential runoff remained on hold Sunday as the candidates were neck-and-neck in a battle closely watched by the EU, which is struggling to contain a surge of anti-immigrant parties.
Where did Ploughshares get its money to sell the Iran deal?
Three weeks after The New York Times Magazine published its profile of deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes, in which he describes creating an 'echo chamber' of nongovernmental organizations, nuclear proliferation experts and journalists to sell the Iran nuclear deal, it was revealed a group he cited as disseminating the administration's narrative had donated to news outlets to report on the accord, as well as other advocacy groups supporting it.
J Street received over $500,000 to push Iran deal
A group the White House recently identified as a key surrogate in selling the Iran nuclear deal gave liberal Jewish lobbying organization J street $576,500 to advocate for the deal.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Islamic State aims to destroy Israel, ‘liberate’ Jerusalem with Sinai Peninsula terrorist force
With a media blitz, the Islamic State has set its sights on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula as the next shot at expanding its empire and establishing a base from which to attack neighboring Israel.
Iranian commander: We can destroy Israel 'in under 8 minutes'
A senior Iranian military commander boasted that the Islamic Republic could 'raze the Zionist regime in less than eight minutes.'
US defense bill to invest $600m in Israeli missile defense
A number of measures for Israel have been attached to a defense spending bill approved in the US House of Representatives, including $600 million in missile defense cooperation.

Inside the United States
GOP Lawmaker Calls for 'Civil Disobedience' on Transgender Bathroom Directive
A Republican lawmaker has condemned the Obama Administration's transgender bathroom directive, calling for 'civil disobedience.'
Soros, Top Clinton Lawyer Lose Lawsuit Against Virginia's Voter ID Law
Hillary Clinton's top campaign lawyer lost a challenge against Virginia's voter identification laws that was fueled by money from liberal billionaire George Soros.
Water Levels in Lake Mead Reach Record Lows
The water levels in Lake Mead, the man-made reservoir that serves about 20 million residents in Nevada, Arizona and California, is at an all-time low, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

U.S. Politics
Wash Post Poll: Trump 46%, Clinton 44%
It's not the headline, and it takes 219 words to get there, but a new Washington Post poll on the presidential race reveals that Republican Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

Christian News
China: Pastor of state-run church released
The pastor of a state-run church in China's Zhejiang province was recently released after eight months in detention.
IS crucifies man collaborating with "Crusaders"
A Syrian has been crucified by the Islamic State for collaborating with what it called a "Crusader coalition."
Iraqi-American lawyer facing prison for immigration fraud claims he was targeted for aiding Christians
In the Iraqi-American Christian community, he is revered as an activist who delivered thousands from persecution at the hands of Muslim extremists, but in the U.S. halls of justice, Robert DeKelaita is regarded as a criminal who helped clients lie to get asylum.