Prophecy News Watch - May 21, 2024

Around the World
Christians Suffering In Brazil Flooding Killing Many
Christian aid workers said Wednesday they are rushing food parcels and other relief to Christians in Brazil’s critical agricultural state of Rio Grande do Sul, where flooding caused by massive torrential rains left more than 150 people dead and some 100 missing.
UN Nuclear Chief: “Iran Has Never Been Closer to Achieving a Nuclear Bomb”
The director general of the UN’s nuclear agency has reiterated that the brutal Islamic regime of Iran has “never been closer” to developing a nuclear weapon, an achievement that may be just “weeks” away, the Jerusalem Post reports.
Dutch Jewish Journalist Fears Hamas Sympathizers in Netherlands
A prominent Jewish journalist whose family suffered in the Holocaust has expressed concern about rising antisemitism in the Netherlands where Hamas sympathizers have attacked universities causing millions in damages.
Iran: No Major Outpouring of Grief for “Butcher of Tehran” Raisi
Five days of official mourning have been instituted to honor Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi who died in a helicopter crash on Monday, but Iran has not seen any mass outpouring of public grief for him.
One Killed, 30 Injured In Singapore Airlines Turbulence
In a rare incident, an elderly British man died, and about 30 others suffered injuries as “severe turbulence” hit a flight from London to Singapore, Singapore Airlines and other sources said.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Nearly One Million Gaza Civilians Have Evacuated From Rafah
Nearly one million non-combatant Palestinians have now been evacuated from Rafah, a city on the border of Egypt and the Gaza Strip which Israel believes is hiding four remaining Hamas battalions and 128 Israeli hostages.

Inside the United States
Trump Decides Not to Testify in Hush Money Case
Donald Trump's defense team rested, wrapping up its side of the case after calling two witnesses, including one who contradicted testimony provided former Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, the prosecution's star witness.
Federal Data Shows Americans Are Feeling the Pain of Inflation
Newly released survey data from the federal government shows Americans are feeling the pain of high prices.

Christian News
Outrage Over Pakistan Sanitation Job Campaign Targeting Christians
A local government-backed advertisement campaign for sanitation workers targeting the Christian minority in Pakistan has highlighted concerns that only Christians should work in these low-paying, dangerous jobs in the mainly Muslim nation.
Kazakhstan: Christians Face Surge in Harassment From Authorities
Baptist Christians in southern Kazakhstan have suffered a surge in police raids upon their churches, as well as arrests and fines for expressing their faith, Christian Daily (CD) reports.