Prophecy News Watch - May 17, 2024

Around the World
Blinken Visit To Ukraine Marked By Controversy
With Russian troops advancing towards Ukraine’s second largest city, Kyiv was awaiting more U.S. military aid after a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken marked by controversies.
Russia’s President Forging Ties With China As New Cold War Rages
Russian President Vladimir Putin met Thursday in Beijing with Chinese President Xi Jinping to increase their strategic ties as a new Cold War emerges with the West.
Several Killed In New Caledonia Riots
France has declared a state of emergency on its Pacific island of New Caledonia, boosting police deployments and banning the video application TikTok after riots over electoral reform killed at least four people.
French Manhunt After Prison Convoy Attack Kills 2, Injured 3
Interpol, the international police body, issued an alert Wednesday for a French inmate who was freed during a violent ambush of a prison convoy a day earlier that left two prison officers dead and seriously injuring three others.
Slovakia’s Premier ‘Expected To Survive’ After Assassination Attempt (Worthy News In-Depth)
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico was “expected to survive” following hours-long surgery after he was shot five times outside the House of Culture in the Slovak town of Handlová while meeting supporters.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel Suffering Military Casualties And Attacks From Hezbollah
Israel’s military suffered setbacks Thursday after officials confirmed that five troops were killed in a “friendly fire” incident in Gaza while elsewhere, an Israeli air force base in northern Israel was hit by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia.
Netanyahu Suggests Egypt Is Holding Gaza Civilians “Hostage”
Amid heightened tensions with Egypt since Israel began its ground operation against Hamas in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday intimated that Egypt was holding Gazan civilians “hostage” by not working with him to reopen the Rafah Border Crossing for humanitarian aid to enter the war-torn enclave, the Times of Israel (TOI) reports.

Inside the United States
US House Demands Biden Delivers Bombs To Israel
The U.S. House of Representatives delivered a bipartisan rebuke of Joe Biden’s pledge to withhold certain heavy bombs from Israel amid its ongoing conflict in Gaza.
China’s Growing Threat to U.S. National Security in the Crosshairs of Congress
While the Chinese Communist Party’s possibly imminent invasion of Taiwan could spark a war in the region, experts and lawmakers in Congress on Thursday expressed that the Taiwan issue is just one part of a broader Chinese strategy countering the U.S.
Lack of Operational Control at Northern Border Poses National Security Threats
The northern border largely has been unmanned and understaffed for decades as federal reports issue conflicting conclusions about how much, or how little, operational control exists.

Christian News
Christians in Latin America Face Intensifying Persecution
Christians across Latin America, most notably in Cuba, Mexico and Nicaragua, are facing intensified persecution for their faith, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
Islamic Terrorists Massacre Christians in Democratic Republic of Congo
Islamic terrorists in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Monday slaughtered 11 Christians, abducted several others, and burned down homes in Ndimo village, Ituri province, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
Pakistan: Police Refuse to Arrest Muslim Who Pushed Christian Female Employee Into Electric Cutting Machine
A lawyer in Pakistan is demanding that reluctant police authorities arrest an Islamist employer who caused a young Christian female employee to lose an ear and most of her scalp when he pushed her into an electric chaff cutter last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.