Prophecy News Watch - June 7, 2024

Around the World
World Rushing Towards Global ID (Worthy News Focus)
Global initiatives are accelerating to introduce a worldwide digital identification document (ID) that opponents say could eventually force billions to relinquish their privacy.
‘Left Wins European Elections In Netherlands Beating Anti-Islam PVV’
The Dutch Labor Party/GreenLeft (PvdA/GL) alliance has become the biggest party in the Dutch elections for the European Parliament, winning eight seats, in a setback for right-wing parties, exit polls showed Thursday.
European Parliament Elections Kick Off In Netherlands (Worthy News Radio)
The Netherlands kicked off four days of voted in the European Union when almost 400 million voters can elect 720 members of the European Parliament at a time of turmoil across the continent.
UN Nuclear Agency Board Rebukes Iran for Non-Cooperation
The board of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday passed a resolution censuring Iran for its ongoing refusal to cooperate with the agency’s nuclear watchdog inspectors, the Associated Press reports. The resolution was introduced by France, Germany and Britain.
Czech Republic Train Collision Kills 4, Injures Several
At least four people, including two Ukrainians, were killed, and some 20 people suffered light injuries when a passenger train collided with a freight train overnight in the Czech Republic, officials said Thursday.
Massive Voting Underway In Europe At Time Of War
In the second-biggest exercise in democracy behind India’s recent elections, almost 400 million voters will elect 720 members of the European Parliament (EP) from beyond the Arctic circle to the edges of Africa and Asia at a time when Europe faces its most significant armed conflict since World War Two.
Recovering Slovakia’s PM Forgives Shooter But Blames Opposition
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico has blamed the opposition for last month’s attempt on his life and said he was punished for anti-war views.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
‘Dozens Killed’ In Gaza School Where Hamas Was Hiding; Hezbollah Hits Israel
The Israeli military acknowledged that it struck a school in central Gaza early Thursday that reportedly killed dozens of people, but was quick to add that Hamas fighters were operating from within the school.
US Signs $3 Billion Deal Providing 25 More F-35 Fighter Jets to Israel
Despite recent diplomatic fissures over Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, the United States on Tuesday officially signed off on a $3 billion deal to provide Israel with 25 additional F-35 fighter jets, bringing to 75 the total number of coveted US stealth planes provided to Israel, the Times of Israel (TOI) reports. Tuesday’s deal ensures Israel’s qualitative military edge in the Middle East, and is funded by US military aid.
IDF Destroys Major Hamas Tunnel and Rocket Launcher Hidden Under UN Post
Amid talks to bring about the release of hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces operating in the Gaza city of Rafah on Wednesday destroyed a major Hamas tunnel and deactivated ready-to-fire rocket launchers that were hidden in a UN post in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Inside the United States
5 Million Doses of Vaccine Being Prepared Against Bird Flu
Nearly five million doses of flu vaccine are being prepared for potential use in the United States as the continued spread of H5N1 avian flu among dairy cows has resulted in three cases of bird flu in humans, UPI reports.
Trump says Death Sentences for Dealers Will Solve U.S. Drug Problem
Former President Donald Trump said soft sentences for drug dealers have helped fuel fentanyl overdose deaths in the U.S.
Feds Send Millions of Taxpayer Dollars to the Taliban
After two decades at war with the Taliban, the U.S. government is now sending millions of taxpayer dollars to the terrorist group.
Netanyahu Receives Bipartisan Invitation to Address Congress
Despite strong opposition from the progressive wing of the Democratic party, all four leaders of the US Senate and House of Representatives on Friday issued a bipartisan invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress, Reuters reports.

Christian News
India: 15 Christian Families Denied Basic Amenities for Refusal to Renounce Christ
Council authorities in India’s Chhattisgarh state have denied basic human necessities to 15 Christian families who refuse to renounce Christ and worship a local Hindu god, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
‘700,000 Prisoners To Be Reached With Gospel in 70 Nations’ (Worthy News Mission Watch)
Two major Christian organizations working in jails have agreed to “share the Gospel” of Christ with hundreds of thousands of prisoners and their families.