Prophecy News Watch - June 6, 2024

Around the World
Russia’s Putin Threatens West With Long-Range Missiles, Nuclear Weapons (Worthy News In-Depth)
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could deploy nuclear bombs and provide long-range weapons to others against Western targets after Ukraine used for the first time U.S. arms to hit sides inside Russia.
German Far-Right Politician Wounded In Knife Attack
A German far-right politician has been injured in a knife attack in the same German city where a police officer was fatally stabbed last week by a suspected Islamist extremist.
Gunman Attacks US Embassy in Beirut, Injuring Guard Before Being Shot
A suspected Islamist extremist was shot and captured by Lebanese soldiers after a Wednesday shootout outside the U.S. Embassy near Beirut that injured an embassy security guard, witnesses and officials confirmed.
Dutch Fishing Town Urk Welcomes Jews After Antisemitic Attacks
A prominent Jewish leader has praised a decision by the Dutch fishing town of Urk to welcome Jews who are fearful of rising antisemitism in the country.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel and Hezbollah Draw Closer to Full-Scale War
While still deeply entrenched in a war against Hamas in Gaza, Israel is coming closer to a full-scale war with Hezbollah in Lebanon as well, the Wall Street Journal says in a report that references the views of Israeli officials.
AI-Created Gaza Picture Raises Concerns (Worthy News Analysis)
A picture created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) about the situation in Gaza that became extremely popular, or “viral,” on social media has blurred the lines between facts and fiction in a world that no longer embraces the truth automatically.

Inside the United States
Border Experts: Biden Plan Will Bring Another 2 Million Into Country a Year
Former Border security leaders serving under multiple presidents and whose careers span decades in law enforcement say President Joe Biden’s “border security” announcement Tuesday won’t secure the border but instead will facilitate more illegal immigration, bringing in another two million people into the country illegally a year.
Number of US Job Openings Falls to Lowest Level in 3 Years
Statistics published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics on Tuesday show that job openings in April were at their lowest level since 2021, Newsweek reports.
US House Approves Bill to Punish ICC for Israel War crimes Investigation
The US House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bipartisan bill to impose sanctions on International Criminal Court officials who target American or Israeli citizens for investigation or prosecution, the Washington Times reports.

Christian News
Nigeria: Fulani Terrorists Murder Assemblies of God Pastor and Four Other Christians
Christians in Plateau state, Nigeria are devastated after Fulani terrorists murdered an Assemblies of God pastor, his wife, and three other church members less than one week after Christian Irigwe and Muslim Fulani leaders met to discuss an end to the decades-long slaughter of believers by radicalized Islamic militants.
Pakistan: Elderly Christian Man Accused of Blasphemy Dies from Wounds Inflicted by Islamic Mob
A 74-year-old Christian man in Punjab Province, Pakistan, has succumbed to the injuries he sustained during a May 25 attack by a mob of Muslims who falsely believed he had desecrated the Quran, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Nazir Gill, a resident of the predominantly Christian community in Sargodha, suffered severe head trauma and died at a military hospital near Islamabad on Monday.