Prophecy News Watch - June 25, 2024

Around the World
Iran Enhances Underground Nuclear ‘Bunker’, Heightening Fears of Accelerated Weapons Development
Confidential documents and analysis by weapons experts indicate that a significant expansion at Iran’s most fortified nuclear facility could soon triple its production of enriched uranium, the Washington Post reported.
Hungary Under US, EU Pressure Over LGTBQ+ Policies
Hungary’s self-declared “illiberal” Christian conservative government has come under pressure from the U.S. and its allies to end policies that they claim discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community.
Russia’s Dagestan Region Mourning As 19 Are Killed at Churches, Synagogues (Worthy News Radio)
Russia's southern region of Dagestan has begun three days of mourning after a rampage by suspected Islamic militants who killed 19 people, most of them police, and attacked churches and synagogues in coordinated assaults in two cities. Sunday's violence occurred in Dagestan's capital and a nearby town.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
U.S. Military Chief Doubts Ability to Support Israel in Conflict with Hezbollah
On Monday, Charles Q. Brown, head of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, cautioned that the U.S. might not be able to assist Israel in an all-out war with Hezbollah as it did during the drone attack by Iran in April.
Netanyahu: Intense Rafah Military Operation Against Hamas Nearing End, Shifts Focus to Hezbollah
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Sunday night that the intense phase of the military operation in Rafah is nearing completion. He explained that the next objective is to halt Hezbollah's attacks along the country's northern border.
Armenia Officially Recognizes State of Palestine, Reprimanded by Israel
Earning a “stern reprimand” from Israel, the state of Armenia announced Friday that it officially recognizes the State of Palestine, Media Line reports. Armenia followed Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Norway, Spain, Ireland, and Slovenia, in their recognition of Palestine over recent weeks.
Thousands of Iran-Backed Fighters Ready to Join Hezbollah in All-Out War Against Israel
Thousands of fighters from Iran-backed terror groups across the Middle East are prepared to join Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror organization if its intensifying conflict with Israel develops into an all-out war, the Associated Press reports.

Inside the United States
Trump Encourages Christians to Vote, Supports Displaying Ten Commandments in Schools
Former President Donald Trump spoke to a group of evangelicals over the weekend, emphasizing that they "cannot afford to sit on the sidelines" during the 2024 election and, at one point, earnestly requesting, "Go and vote, Christians, please!" Additionally, Trump advocated for the display of the Ten Commandments in schools.
Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Immunity Looms Large
The U.S. Supreme Court has more than a dozen cases to decide before its self-imposed deadline of the end of June, including a decision on former President Donald Trump's claims of presidential immunity.
Trump Calls for Drug Tests Before First Presidential Debate
Former President Donald Trump on Monday said he'd agree to a drug test before the first presidential debate on Thursday and he wants opponent President Joe Biden to do the same.
Supreme Court Will Hear Tennessee Gender-Affirming Care Ban Case
The U.S. Supreme Court said it plans to take up a case related to Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1, which prohibits gender-affirming surgeries for minors.

Christian News
Christians In Kyrgyzstan Fear More Hostilities Despite Law Rejection (Worthy News Focus)
Minority Christians in Kyrgyzstan fear measures limiting their worship possibilities may be forthcoming despite legislators opposing more restrictive religious legislation.
Fire Hits Nigeria’s Christ Embassy Megachurch After Controversies
Nigerian authorities were investigating Monday a fire that destroyed the headquarters of one of the nation’s largest evangelical churches and that its controversial pastor blamed on the devil.
Christian Sports Ministry to distribute 200,000 Bibles
The US-based Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is set to hand out 200,000 Bibles during Christ-focused summer camps around the world this year, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) reports.