Prophecy News Watch - June 21, 2016

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
U.S., NATO allies plan to give corruption-plagued Afghanistan $15B without reform benchmarks
Afghanistan is primed to receive roughly $15 billion from the U.S. and its NATO allies through 2020 despite an extensive track record of fraud, waste and abuse.
Iran says possible Boeing deal could be worth $25 billion
Iran's transportation minister is saying a possible deal between the Islamic Republic and Boeing Co. could be worth as much as $25 billion.
Obama Admin Under Scrutiny for Ignoring U.S. Law Banning Russian Arms Sale to Iran
The Obama administration is stalling a congressional inquiry into its ongoing refusal to uphold a U.S. law that would sanction Russia for selling advanced missile systems to Iran, according to recent communications between the State Department and Congress exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
ISIS threat to U.S. air bases, South Korea intelligence agency warns
ISIS has collected information on 77 U.S. and NATO air force facilities around the world and is calling on supporters to attack them, according to South Korea's intelligence agency.
Obama touts trade, TPP as global peacekeepers
President Obama championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership as a way to keep American businesses humming and promote global peace, before a receptive audience of corporate leaders and local economic development officials gathered in Washington on Monday for the Obama administration's 'Select USA' summit.
Iran shuts down newspaper over Revolutionary Guards complaint
Iranian authorities on Monday shut down the Ghanoon newspaper, which has criticized the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the newspaper said in a statement on its website.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Turkey, Israel to agree normalization deal June 26
Turkey and Israel will this weekend announce a deal on normalizing ties, ending a six-year diplomatic crisis sparked by a deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla in which 10 Turkish nationals died, a report said Tuesday.
Israeli Opposition Leader Blasted for Secret Talks to Divide Jerusalem
Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid bashed opposition leader Isaac Herzog on Sunday for allegedly offering the West Bank and East Jerusalem to the Palestinians in secret talks with PA President Mahmoud Abbas in 2014-2015, calling it “dangerous and wrong.”
Boy killed after rocks, firebombs hurt 3 on Route 443
An Israeli and two foreigners in their twenties were lightly injured and taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center overnight Monday when rocks and Molotov Cocktails were hurled at a passing vehicle on Route 443. The terrorists also poured oil on the main road.
New US-Israel 10-year military aid deal said to be 'very close'
A new decade-long US defense package to Israel worth billions is 'very close' to completion, a senior Israeli official in Washington told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.

Inside the United States
McConnell pushes measure to expand surveillance tools
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing for an expansion of federal surveillance powers by introducing an amendment to an annual funding bill late on Monday evening.
Supreme Court expected to announce rulings on abortion, immigration
he Supreme Court is set this week to begin announcing decisions on roughly a dozen remaining cases, including contentious ones on abortion and immigration.
FBI, DOJ Release Unredacted Transcript of Orlando Shooter's 911 Call
The Justice Department on Monday afternoon released the full, unredacted transcript of a call between Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen and 911 operators on the night of the mass shooting after an earlier version of the transcript omitted the words 'Islamic State' and the name of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Supreme Court upholds N.Y., Conn. bans on semi-automatic weapons by not hearing appeals
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear appeals of state bans on semi-automatic weapons in New York and Connecticut amid resurgent debates on gun control following the Orlando, Fla., massacre.
FBI releases transcripts of Orlando shooter's 911 calls
The FBI released partial transcripts of three conversations negotiators had with Orlando nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen. Investigators say Mateen called 911 from inside Pulse after his shooting rampage.

U.S. Politics
Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump by 7, third parties shrink lead
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 7 percentage points, 47-40, among registered voters surveyed in a new Monmouth University poll.
Hillary Clinton squashing Donald Trump in fundraising
Hillary Clinton is out-raising Donald Trump by historic proportions, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.
Evangelicals set to meet Donald Trump in NYC dialogue 'to know him better'
Ahead of the U.S. elections in November, evangelical groups will be meeting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a dialogue on June 21 to get to know him better.

Christian News
China: Christians arrested for religious materials
Last month local police detained three Christians in China's Guangdong province for possessing religious materials, including a Bible.
Christian Killed in Uganda
A Christian in eastern Uganda who had recently received death threats was murdered on June 4.
Christians abducted by Islamists tell stunning escape story
Three Christians working with Bibles4Mideast who were reported missing a week ago have been reunited with their coworkers and are telling a stunning story of abduction and threats and even a mysterious tunnel escape from a locked basement prison and two days' walk across the desert to safety.
California Lawmaker: Christian Colleges Must Drop View of Gender, Sexuality
A bill pending in the California legislature seeks to strip faith-based colleges and universities of the centuries-old tradition of interweaving academics with religious doctrine. SB 1146 would force Christian schools to relinquish their fidelity to Scripture as a distinguishing characteristic of their institutions or risk lawsuits for religious and sexual discrimination.