Prophecy News Watch - June 20, 2024

Around the World
France President Says Raped Jewish Girl Victim Of ‘Scourge of Antisemitism’
French President Emmanuel Macron warned Wednesday that schools in France are threatened by the "scourge of antisemitism" after a 12-year-old Jewish girl was raped in what police called “a hate crime” amid ongoing attacks against Jewish people.
North Korea, Russia Sign Military Pact
North Korea’s autocratic leader Kim Jong Un and his hardline Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin signed a new military pact Wednesday that includes a pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked.
Russian Warships and Nuclear Submarine Have Now Left Cuba
A fleet of Russian warships including a nuclear-powered submarine on Monday left Cuba, five days after passing within 30 miles of Florida on its way to conduct planned tactical nuclear drills in Cuban waters, Newsweek reports.
Romania To Approve Mark Rutte As NATO Chief
Romania was expected Wednesday to support longtime Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who became the next secretary general of the NATO military alliance after Hungary dropped its objections and Slovakia's president signaled his country's support.
Russia’s Putin In North Korea Shopping For Weapons
Eager to receive more military aid, Russian President Vladimir Putin began visiting North Korea after his plane touched down in the capital, Pyongyang, in the middle of the night.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel Warns Of ‘All-Out War’ With Hezbollah Despite US Envoy Visit
Israel warned late Tuesday of “all-out war” against Lebanon-based Hezbollah despite a visiting adviser of U.S. President Joe Biden trying to prevent such an armed conflict.

Inside the United States
In First Five Years, 79,000 of DACA Recipients Admitted to U.S. Had Arrest Records
Within five years of a new program created to prevent deportation of minors brought into the country illegally by their parents, nearly 80,000 were released into the U.S. with arrest records. The majority were between the ages of 19 and 22 when they were arrested, according to the latest available data published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
US Federal Budget Deficit Now Projected to be $1.9 Trillion for 2024
The US Congressional Budget Office on Tuesday published a new report showing the Budget Deficit for the 2024 fiscal year is now projected to be $1.9 trillion - an increase of around $400 billion from a projection offered in February.

Christian News
India: 11 Christians Freed After Two Years Imprisonment Under Anti-Conversion Law
Eleven Christians in India’s Madhya Pradesh state have just been released from prison after being jailed in 2022 on baseless charges of forcing people to leave Hinduism for Christianity, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
Indonesia: Established Church Faces Eviction for Proximity to Islamic University, “We Hold Onto Hope”
A well-established in Indonesia has been threatened with eviction from its worship center because a new Islamic university has been opened in proximity to it, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.