Prophecy News Watch - June 12, 2024

Around the World
Malawi’s Vice President Dies in Plane Crash
Malawi’s vice president has died following a plane crash, the president of the African nation confirmed.
China Bans Worthy News; VPN Could Offer Hope (Worthy News Investigation)
Communist-run China is actively suppressing access to Christian news agency Worthy News and other websites deemed “dangerous” to the government.
WHO Illegally Extends Its Global Power, Experts Warn (Worthy News Focus)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has secretly and illegally taken steps to give the agency global powers to govern public health after its failure to push through the “Pandemic Agreement,” experts say.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israel Deploys Air LORA: Its Largest Air-Launched Ballistic Missile
Israel has introduced a new air-launched ballistic missile designed to overcome advanced air defenses and deliver precise strikes announced by the Israel Aerospace Industries.
IDF is Preparing From “Broad Military Conflict” with Hezbollah
While still fighting a full-scale war against Hamas in Gaza, Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) have dramatically intensified preparations to defend the Jewish state against an anticipated “broad military conflict” with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ynet News reports. Both Hamas and Hezbollah are Shia Islamic jihadist terror organizations supported by Iran which, like them, is sworn to the destruction of Israel.
U.S. Proposes Historic Defense Treaty to Saudi Arabia For Normalization with Israel
The Biden administration is working on a historic defense treaty with Saudi Arabia as part of a strategic effort to foster diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Israel, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Inside the United States
Texas, Montana Sue Biden Over Rule Requiring States to Pay for ̵#8216;Gender Transition’
Texas and Montana have sued the Biden administration over another federal rule change it implemented, this time over one that requires states to pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid programs.
Colorado Cannot Withhold Funding From Preschools on Grounds of Catholic Beliefs, Federal Court Rules
A federal court ruled Tuesday that the state of Colorado acted unconstitutionally when it excluded Catholic preschools from a state universal preschool funding program (UPK) on the grounds that the schools require staff and families to share Catholic beliefs, CBN News reports. Catholic preschools in the Archdiocese of Denver are now allowed to participate in the UPK program.
Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty in Delaware Gun Case
A Delaware jury convicted President Joe Biden's son of gun charges on Tuesday, marking the first-ever trial of a president's son.

Christian News
70,000 People Turn Out to Hear the Gospel in Central London
While Britain struggles with the effects of secularism and its Church of England remains deeply divided over LGBTQ issues, some 70,000 people turned out in the heart of London to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ last month. The May 4 event was organized by British evangelist Daniel Chand, founder of the UK-based evangelistic organization Walking Like Jesus Ministries (WLJM).
Armed Muslims Kidnap Priest in Nigeria
Christians were praying Monday for a Roman Catholic Church priest who they said had been kidnapped by armed Muslim “bandits” in Nigeria’s northwestern state of Kaduna.
Pakistan: “Devout” Christian Mother in Prison for Alleged Blasphemy
A devoutly Christian woman in Pakistan has been refused bail and faces a 10-year jail sentence for allegedly hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.