Prophecy News Watch - June 11, 2024

Around the World
WHO Illegally Extends Its Global Power, Experts Warn (Worthy News Focus)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has secretly and illegally taken steps to give the agency global powers to govern public health after its failure to push through the “Pandemic Agreement,” experts say.
Far-Right Surges In EU Elections But Center Remains Strong (Worthy News Radio)
Far-right parties surged in the European Union-wide elections for a new European Parliament, including in Germany and France, where President Emmanuel Macron called snap legislative elections within three weeks.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Gantz Withdraws from Coalition, Calls for Elections
Benny Gantz, chairman of the National United Party and a member of the War Cabinet, announced that he and his party are withdrawing from the coalition government formed after the October 7 massacre. Although his resignation won't collapse the coalition, it will leave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu more dependent on his far-right partners.
UN Security Council Passes U.S. Resolution Supporting Israeli Ceasefire Proposal, Urges Hamas to Agree
The United Nations Security Council called on Hamas to accept Israel’s ceasefire offer on Monday after passing a U.S. resolution in a 14-0 vote to increase pressure on the terrorist organization.

Inside the United States
U.S. Borrowing Nears $5B Daily, Deficit Hits $1.2T in First 8 Months of 2024
The U.S. government has accumulated a $1.2 trillion deficit in the first eight months of this fiscal year by borrowing nearly $5 billion daily on average, according to the latest Congressional Budget Office data.
US Test-Fires “Successfully” Test-Fires Two Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
Asserting the exercise was not connected to “current world events,” the United States last week “successfully” test-fired two unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles from a Space Force base in California, Defense News reports. The Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system was launched in the 1970s and, despite its age, is expected to remain in use until the 2030s.

Christian News
India: Pastor Falsely Accused of Forced Conversions, Experiences “Bullying, Extortion and Mental Torture” in Jail
A pastor in India’s Madhya Pradesh state spent three tortuous weeks in a harsh prison earlier this year after being falsely accused of forcing Hindus to become Christians, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.
Nigeria: Islamic State Murder Three Christian Youths
Answering their leaders’ recent call to kill Christians "where you find them,” members of Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) executed three Christian youths in Nigeria’s Borno state last week, Christian Today (CT) reports.