Prophecy News Watch - July 3, 2024

Around the World
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán In Kyiv; Hungary Took Over EU Presidency (Worthy News In-depth)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has called for a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia during a surprise visit to Kyiv where he met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
India: More Than 100 Killed In Stampede At Hindu Event
Authorities of India’s northern state, Uttar Pradesh, say at least 116 people, many of them women and children, were killed in a stampede at a religious Hindu event.
Deadly Category 5 Hurricane Beryl Wreaks Devastation in the Caribbean
The earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record, Hurricane Beryl has killed at least one person and is wreaking destruction as it barrels across the Caribbean. Beryl made landfall on Carriacou Island, Grenada at around 11am EDT on Monday, with maximum winds of 150 mph, CNN reports. As of Tuesday, Beryl’s winds had increased to nearly 160 mph.
US Bases in Europe on Heightened Terror Threat Level
In the wake of intensified terror threats since Hamas’ Oct. 7 genocidal attack on Israel triggered the current war in Gaza, US military bases in Europe were put on heightened alert beginning over the weekend, Stars and Stripes (SaS) reports.
Indonesia Suffering Massive Cyberattack (Worthy News Investigation)
Millions of people in Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, faced more nail-biting moments Monday after an unprecedented cyberattack disrupted immigration, airport operations, scholarship services, and other government activities.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Netanyahu Claims Hamas Near Defeat; US Warns of Potential Gaza Power Vacuum
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that the Israel was on the verge of defeating Hamas's military wing. At the same time, the United States cautioned against a power vacuum in the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that chaos must be avoided as Israeli government leaders debate a post-war administration for Gaza.

Inside the United States
Federal Agencies Take Hit to Rulemaking Power
The power of federal regulatory agencies took a major hit in recent days with a couple of court rulings that will have wide-reaching implications.
Fentanyl, Weapons, Other Drug Seizures at Northern Border Setting Records
Federal agents working at ports of entry in northern U.S. cities and in small towns along the U.S.-Canadian border are continuing to thwart illegal activity.
Antisemitism Concerns on the Rise in America
Concerns about antisemitism are growing across the United States, according to recent data reported by Gallup.

Christian News
Laos: Pastor and Five Other Christians Imprisoned Following Arrest During Prayer Meeting
Continuing a systemic crackdown on Christianity in Laos, authorities in Khammouane Province arrested a pastor and five other evangelical Christians on Saturday as they gathered in a home to pray for the next day’s Sunday service at their church, Christian Daily International (CDI) reports.
Uganda: Evangelist Lynched After Leading Muslims to Christ
An evangelist who led Muslims to Christ in eastern Uganda was found dead in a pool of blood and tied with ropes soon after he texted his pastor that he was surrounded by Islamists, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.