Prophecy News Watch - August 20, 2024

Around the World
US Says Iran Launches Cyber Attacks Against Presidential Candidates
As the Democratic National Convention began, the United States said Monday that Iran was responsible for hacking into former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and trying to breach the Biden-Harris campaign.
Indonesia Christians Pray Amid Massive Earthquake Warning
Christians in Indonesia have appealed for prayers amid fresh concerns about a once-in-a-century earthquake in the country and Japan.
Indonesia’s Independence Day Attracts Sorrow and Hope in Two Nations
Indonesia observed 79 years of independence from Dutch rule over the weekend with a ceremony in its unfinished future capital, Nusantara, but in the Netherlands, there were mixed feelings.
Egypt holds talks on Middle East Crisis with UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Egypt’s Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty held separate phone conversations last week with his counterparts in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey about the multiple crises ongoing in the Middle East, the Media Line reports.
65 Million People Affected by El Nino Drought in Southern Africa
Appealing to the international community for assistance, the 16-nation Southern African Development Community has warned that some 68 million people in southern Africa are facing food shortages and damaged economies due to a drought brought on by the El Nino phenomenon, Reuters reports.
Iran: Religious Minorities Suffering “Crimes Against Humanity,” UN Report
United Nations investigators contend in a new report that Iran has perpetrated "crimes against humanity” in attacking ethnic and religious minorities amid its crackdown on women's rights protests, Christian Today reports.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Blinken: ‘Israel Accepts US Ceasefire Proposal For Gaza’
In a breakthrough, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday that Israel accepted his proposal to bridge differences holding up a cease-fire and hostage release in the Gaza Strip, and he urged Hamas to do the same.
Jerusalem: Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Artefacts From Jesus’ Time
Archaeologists excavating under Jerusalem’s Old City have uncovered 2,000-year-old artefacts that would have been used in daily life during Jesus’ time on earth, All Israel News (AIN) reports.

Inside the United States
Protesters Get Police, Democratic Officials’ Attention During DNC in Chicago
Protesters clashed with police on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention Monday with more demonstrations expected.
Family Israeli Hostages At Democratic Convention
Family members of eight American hostages were to attend the U.S. Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, which Israeli media called “an arena of pro-Palestinian protestors and disruptions.”
All Eyes on Chicago as Democratic National Convention Kicks Off With Protests
The eyes of the nation turned to Chicago on Monday for the start of the Democratic National Convention, an event that will lead to the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Texas Triples Razor Wire Barriers, Continues Building Border Wall
Texas is continuing to expand razor wire barriers and building its own wall along its border with Mexico through Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star.

Christian News
Nicaragua: Six Christian Women Imprisoned for Their Faith
Nicaragua’s communist dictatorship imprisoned six Christian women on account of their faith in the last year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Ruled by President Daniel Ortega, who has intensified the persecution of believers, Nicaragua ranks 30 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.